Making the Reddit NSFW Unsubscriber

[Full blogpost coming soon]:

I've sourced a list with over 50,000 pornographic subreddits - not the worst few hours of my life - and created this tool that automatically matches your subreddits with the ones in the list.

If you're subscribed to a subreddit that appears in the list, the tool will automatically unsubscribe you from that subreddit through the official Reddit API. Before the tool unsubscribes you, you can of course double-check that no innocent subreddits are to be removed from your subscription list.

After the tool is done, you can revoke its access to your account in your Reddit account preferences.

Deciding what is NSFW and what not was not an easy task. Are celebrity subreddits considered NSFW? What about subredit dedicated to famous Instagram models? In both cases, I opted for yes.

So you can say it's very strict, but it definitely does not cover all NSFW subreddits. That's why you can submit subreddits to be added to the list. With your help we can make this tool better.